Art Locations

About Art Locations

We are dual American/UK citizens born to American parents but raised in Frankfurt and London. We spent a combined 21 years at The American School in London where we travelled extensively on school trips to enhance the curriculum, perform with our school band and choir, and compete in robotics competitions and sports.

With school we visited a huge number of places – France multiple times, China (twice), Italy, Portugal, Wales, Belgium, The Netherlands, the US and all over England. We are very fortunate that our parents also took the opportunity London’s location provides to take us all over Europe, Africa and Asia. When we were younger our parents’ love of museums did not register – we happily followed them as long as some sort of local sweet delicacy was part of the day. When we became teenagers we both realized that we often also enjoyed museums. In 2019 we were in Amsterdam performing with our school band and had one free afternoon where Zoe wanted to see the AP art history pieces that she was studying. We found that amongst all the resources relating to the course on the internet, an efficient way to locate what pieces were in each museum did not exist without lots of frustrating cross referencing. Thus, the idea for this website was born!

In the spring of 2020 when Zoe’s University and Mia’s boarding school closed, we had time to work together and create this website during the hours we would have been doing our extra-curricular activities.